Bonus to the Sport - The Water Pasteurization Indicator

The Sport Solar Oven comes with the WAPI - Water Pasteurization Indicator.

This is a tiny little instrument that weighs less than an ounce, and it can tell you when your water is pure enough to drink. When you go camping you can take water right out of a river or lake and heat it to a safe temperature that makes it safe to drink. The WAPI gives you the assurance.

The WAPI is a special purpose thermometer that can be used over and over. It is composed of a small clear plastic tube that is closed at both ends. Inside is a bit of wax that will melt and turn to liquid at the temperature that water is safe to drink. When the wax becomes liquid, the harmful bacteria is dead and harmless.

It is something interesting to do on a camping or fishing trip, but it is critical in countries which have unsafe water supplies. The benefits in these countries include:
  • Less sickness in the population.
  • More healthy people to take care of businesses.
  • More children who will grow into adulthood and become responsible citizens.
  • More people to care of their aging parents.
  • A more stable society.  
What is just a novelty for us in our developed country can be a critical tool overseas. It is an important part of the package that is the Sport Solar Oven made by the Solar Oven Society in Minneapolis.